This is a review of the 4 stoves we some how managed to use on the length of this trip.
We’re at home now, and I’ve been grafting all day helping Dad renovate their house. I come home exhausted, have a hot shower and plonk myself at the dinner table and gobble up a meal prepared by my Mum and Mayu. There’s something to be said about the home comforts! However I do like cooking, and those moments at the end of a hard days cycling sitting in a guest house, or somewhere out in the open setting up the kitchen and getting the food on the go. Just dreaming about the day gone by.

In East Africa,we could often stop in the afternoon and find a hot meal for lunch, costing around a dollar for a big plate that Mayu and I could share. Sometimes if we were lazy we’d do the same again in the evening. However anyone who knows the cuisine in these areas, knows it has the tendency to repeat a little . . . the other option was cooking ourselves which we did a lot. Our favourite dish was pasta with lots of tomatoes and avocados!
A company in Japan Mochizuki agreed to sponsor us for a few items, the most valuable to us was the MSR Dragonfly stove. Its got serious cooking power (and serious noise) but you can’t have it all I guess. We could comfortably cook chapattis and pancakes with the flame on full volume. Which we couldn’t do very well with any of the other stoves. So if chapattis and pancakes are your thing then consider these type of multi-fuel stoves.

Looking back I think we made a bit of an error. In south Africa and Namibia we were buying bottles of Kerosene (paraffin) as it was cheap and also I read that it didn’t have the additives that petrol has, some people commented that these additives will damaged the seals over time (O rings inside the fuel pump) but all this can be replaced quite easily. Weights nothing and most likely takes a few years before they go. The Kerosene was good in south African and Namibia, however the quality rapidly went down hill once we were in Malawi, sometimes it was almost light brown, and cloudy. It seriously clogged up the stove which meant constant cleaning. A full clean was required 2, sometimes 3 times a week!
Unfortunately the downside to this stove that makes it quite useful is its flame controller. It was controlled with a thread, the more you open the thread the more fuel gets to the flame. But with constant cleaning, and the thread kept getting clogged with shit all the time. This wore the thread down. Until something quite scary happened in a hotel room in Uganda.
Lucky for us we had an easily accessible balcony. Because the thread on the adjuster came loose whilst cooking and started spraying Kerosene flames all over the place. After a few seconds panic, I grabbed it and threw it out the window. That night we went out and found some rice and beef.
So with stove number one dead, we looked for an alternative.
We were in a border town between Uganda and Kenya. Not the place you’re going to find a handy little camping shop. The only alternative to us was a fanta can stove. I didn’t really believe in them until we tried. It really saved us to be honest, and we considered not buying a gas stove in Turkey because it was reasonably cheap to buy methylated spirits and boiling water wasn’t so bad.
However there were two draw backs for us. The first was our choice of stand, in the picture you might be able to see we are using our metal cups, they get hot so you have to wait a while until you can poor the coffee in!
No that was a minor problem.The major problem was the fire hazard. I’d already had one mad moment, so when Mayu managed to knock the stove full of flaming spirits onto the floor a second hotel room had flames! I quickly threw a full pot of water over it all and laid down on the bed and took a deep breath. Contemplating whether or not it was really worth cooking inside a small room in a guest house?
After a few days of rice and beef, out came the stove again, however we were move aware of the dangers and kept it well clear of anything else that was flammable.

Once we got to Turkey we came to our senses and bought a cheap screw top gas stove, the type you’d find in any camping shop in Western Europe. A small can 230g would last about 6 or 7 cooks, and costed around 4 dollars. So not as cheap as the other two. But cleaner and safer to use. Although annoyingly once we entered the balkan region these screw type gas cartridges were no where to be found.
This brings me to the forth and final stove, the old push style gas stove. Super cheap, I think I bought the stove in Albania with a gas cartridge (190g) for 500 lek, which is 4 dollars! Each refill was 90 lek. Certainly cheap, but as always you get what you pay for. We tried pancakes once and it took for ever to cook. Only good to heating water and frying some vegetables. But better than nothing.
So what will we take on our next trip? MSR Japan have kindly given us the replacement part for our dragonfly stove. This time I think we will stick with petrol from the petrol stations. Its much cleaner than the kerosene we’ve seen and we will just see how the seals do over time. Apart from the loud jet engine noise coming out of it, by far it is the best stove. So if you are venturing outside of western europe and like to cook up a proper meal, I think its really worth having this luxury.
これからヨーロッパ入りだし、どこでもガス缶を買えるだろうと予想して、ガスとストーブを使用後に取り外しできるスクリュータイプを選んだ。(1200円程度) 小さなガス缶(230g)で約6,7回調理ができ、お値段400円ほど。ガソリンストーブやアルコール燃料ストーブに比べると安価ではないが、安全面と点火の手軽さでは一番だ。