I’ve learnt over the years of backpacking, hiking and travelling by bike that keeping clothing down to the minimum is all you really need.
Saves a lot of space and weight, but does leave you looking a bit ‘outdoorsy’ when it comes to a night out on the town. Those moments are rare, and I don’t really care what I look like, more importantly I want to have clothes that dry quickly and keep me warm or cool. I don’t like to get too tech on this sort of thing, the outdoor brands give out plenty of info about what each thing is for.
それは、” 旅には、必要最低限の荷物で出掛けること “ だ。
しかし今では、パニアバック1つ(自転車の後輪についているバッグ / 1個につき28L)に、1年分の身の回り品を

I am very thankful that Karrimor Japan offered us some clothing for free, they said choose what you need and they’ll send it. We were’t overly concerned with cold weather being in Africa, however there were a few occasions that we were up high or cold in the desert at night.
Once we got to Turkey in the winter we were happy to have some warm clothes with us. I wanted to fit all my clothes into a 10L stuff sack (thats not everything in the picture by the way) I carried 3 t-shirts (one of them long sleeve) all quick drying. 1 pair of super cheap swimming shorts that I wore almost everyday cycling. Trousers (from Karrimor). Feather down jacket (from Karrimor). The Hard shell jacket (from Karrimor) was not kept in the stuff sack. A Polartec jumper (from Karrimor). Merino wool leggings and all the socks, pants and those sort of bits.
今回の旅では、この条件をばっちり満たすアウトドアウェアを揃えているKarrimor Japanさんに
Karrimorはもともとイギリス発祥のブランドで、バックパックが特に有名なのだが、Karrimor Japanでは海外で
そのKarrimor Japanさんからは、私たちが持っていなかった保温性の高い衣類をメインに提供して頂きました。
エリオットは着るたびに至福のため息を漏らすほど。笑 首元についたファーも、首回りを温めてくれる素敵な

The Trousers were great, very quick drying not so wind proof, but I had a pair of cheapie plastic rain trousers if things got bad weather wise. They were really stretchy and comfortable. Still looking good and they will come with us on our next trip.
The down jacket was a little slice of heaven. Kind of like a half way house between cooking dinner and getting in the sleeping bag. Just don’t get it wet, this only came out on the dry days.
The hard shell (polartec neo shell) was worn so many times, so good in cold windy drizzle. Its pretty water resistant. The only downside was when the weather turned really rough, but I’m not convinced that any hardshell is completely waterproof. As I’ve seen the same thing happen to a goretex jacket as well. I think for the next trip we will take a light weight poncho to put over the jacket on a heavy down poor. Most of the time we try to find shelter when we know its going to hammer it down. However sometimes we just can’t help but get caught out in it.
Another thing I would like to add to this rain battlers set up is a pair of those waterproof shoe covers. Because wet feet is a pain in the arse, makes my shoes smell and takes ages to dry. A good tip a friend gave me, after heavy rain (make sure it doesn’t rain again) is take some thick dry socks and wear them to soak up all the water in your shoes, keep repeating this and drying the wet socks on the bike as you go. Takes about 2 to 3 pairs of socks to dry out the shoes. But if its rains again, you’re completely stuffed!
The jumper has seen better days, I still wear it of course. The zip is all mashed up and the material has lots of holes, as I tried to us the jumper as a cushion for my bike against the inside of a trailer on bumpy sandy road in Namibia. I won’t be doing that again. The jumper has been great though, if I put it in the wash, its almost dry enough to wear straight out of the washing machine.
次にエリオットの愛用である長ズボン(写真左から2番目 / arete pants )は、撥水・速乾性がとてもよく、
それから、あらゆる状況で大活躍したレインジャケット(写真左から3番目)、boma NS 。

Saving the best till last was the red long sleeve t-shirt, it might be possible that I’ve worn this item of clothing more than anything in my life. It’s from this company called fine track in Japan, its a super lightweight breathable material, I can hand wash it, ring it out and wear it straight away, and just dry it on my body. It’s a bit chilly but saves me smelling.
I know this isn’t the most interesting topic to be reading about, but really its for anyone wondering ‘what to wear darling’. In my view forget about taking cotton, keep items down to a minimum and make sure, that everything can dry very quickly. If I’m not using myself as a clothes line then we ‘hang’ kind of lay clothes over our bag inside the tent, and anything that hasn’t dried by the morning we tie to our bike to finish it off during the day. Dry clothes equal warm clothes.