( The english writing will start below. )

Our tent is advertised as a 3 person tent. There has been occasions when we have had 3 people in the tent.
However this is without any bags, food, basically all that goes with you on a journey. So if you are two people travelling together, I think a minimum requirement is getting a three person tent. That allows you to bring all your luggage from the bike inside at night. Somehow making you feel more ‘secure’ but the practical reasons are stopping an ant invasion, keeping stuff dry and being able to access all your things without getting out of the tent.
When you compare price and weight of a 2 man vs 3 man theres very little in it. Why not get a 4 man tent then? I did think about this and we are both glad we didn’t go for an even bigger tent. On more than a few occasions when we were bush camping in a little hidden spot, I’d have to do a bit of home improving on the ground. A bit of digging with a stick. A bit of pushing earth and rocks around. Just general levelling the ground to make it suitable for the size of the tent. So if we had a bigger tent, it would have meant more work. That is definitely the advantage of a smaller tent. More options to pitch it. Especially in a hilly forest, flat areas are hard to find, and when you do they always need a bit of work.
そしてとってもありがたいことに、モンベルさんからステラリッジ テント 3型をスポンサー提供して頂きました。

Montbell is a Japanese company that gave us quite a bit of sponsorship, they make just about anything in regards to outdoor activities. Their stuff seems to be pretty durable and well regarded in Japan. I don’t think they are so widely known outside of Japan. They have a shop in Switzerland and USA but apart from that its hard to find outside of Japan. However as of 26th July 2016 they offer international delivery all over the world. Thats new to me, not sure what the costs are. Doing a quick search, it seems as though orders over a certain amount are free delivery, but it states that the person receiving the order will be responsible for the import duties. Thats pretty standard for anything outside of EU.
The tent they gave us was the Stellaridge 3. It was the 2014 model, however this model had a bit of an issue with the zip, which they have since solve. The problem was a piece of fabric that acted as a wind baffle over the main zip on the inner tent. It was catching all the time in the zip and put a lot of stress on the zip. In time the zip failed. Our make shift solution was cutting out the mosquito net which was a separate zip and using that as our entrance. However this meant NO VENTILATION, no problem if you are up a mountain and its 5 below, but it failed us in Malawi, with the evening temperatures in the high 20’s . . . A real sweat fest to say the least. I certainly wouldn’t have enjoyed a third person in our 3 person tent!
So we lived like this for quite a few months, but solved the ventilation problem by putting our mosquito net over the inner tent, didn’t stop those damn ants though! However as quickly as something was a pain, it became normal. Montebell were quite happy to send a replacement inner tent to Turkey where we could collect it. To our surprise they sent a whole new tent. So now we have two. This model has had the zipper improved, doing away with that bit of material. Which was kind of pointless in the first place, but good to see that the models evolve for the better.

The tent otherwise, is a no frills, simple tent, that uses good quality light weight, strong materials. The material itself is 100% waterproof, the only point that we will give feedback to them is the design of the outside vent. In serious stormy weather we have had to put a plastic bag over the tiny hole that closes the vent to stop the rain from dripping inside. With a slight modification it would be perfect. So hopefully we will see that in their next model.
Another plus that we have seen recently on their website is the option of a green fly sheet (outer part of the tent) as opposed the the bright yellow version that we have. I do understand the yellow as the tent has been designed for the Japanese mountains. Its good in cold, windy and wet conditions. If you get lost and need to be rescued the yellow will help with you being found in the snow. However, being easily seen and being rescued were not our top priorities. So green to match the colour of our surrounding whilst bush camping would have been a real benefit. So this fly sheet will be a welcome addition to our tent.
We are both very happy with this tent, people are always commenting on how small it packs down and how light it is (1.97kg) we have also added to this a ground sheet (290g). This is a must for us as it protects our sleeping matts and also the bottom of the tent keeping everything waterproof. We often use the sheet as our dinner table and a place to chill on before we pitch the tent.