Personally I think our mattress was one of the most important things we took on our travels. To have it functioning every night without failing, sets us up ready for another day cycling.
A guy in Croatia said jokingly ‘you can survive a month without food, 3 days without water, but a day without sleep and you’re finished!’ It’s true in a way, sleep is so important. I know a lot of people struggle to get a good nights sleep in the tent. So when my mattress started failing and I had to sleep on my spare clothes every night. I really wish I had a working mattress again.





Dry bag, Sleeping bag and mattress

The first mattress Mayu and I both had was from Exped (Sim Lite UL 3.8 LW). I’m not bad mouthing it by any means. Its been a great mattress for the last 3 years. With some pretty heavy usage, around 200 nights maybe more.

In the first trip we had in India hiking in the himalayas, I think we miss treated it a bit. Our tent didn’t have a separate footprint so often things would pop through and puncture the mattress. Also we would roll them up outside on the ground, we’d never do that now, we always roll it up inside the tent so no sharp pieces can get caught in the mattress and puncture them. Through the whole of this cycling trip we didn’t have any punctures, due to taking care I guess and also having a thick footprint to go under the tent. But in case we did have punctures I found this really good glue called storm sure, its a rubbery flexible glue I think for marine stuff. I used it on other bits and pieces, takes about 12 hours to set but its very tough and flexible after that.


旅のはじめに使用していたマットレスは3年前購入したEXPED sim Lite UL 3.8M (写真一番右)これまでおよそ200回以上使用。マットレスの間にフォームが入っているため防寒にとても適しており、以前行ったヒマラヤ登山では、氷点下の気候でも底冷えすることなく大活躍してくれた。671gとまぁまぁ重さがあり、サイズも小さくはないけれど、膨らますのもパッキングするのも簡単。

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However in Rwanda my mattress started showing a small bubble and it gradually got worse until it was like sleeping on a ballon. Basically the material started to de laminate from the foam inside, and now that it has happened to both mattresses we know that once it starts, theres really no stopping it . . . I guess its just the shelf life of the glue and rolling and unrolling it over the years, and also blowing them up a bit too hard.

One thing I will say and give Exped a lot of credit for was the guarantee. They replaced both mattresses under a 5 year warranty free of charge. That was pretty good of them, however this didn’t really help me as it was sent to my parents place in England. So in the mean time I had to make do with a little piece of foam I bought on the street in Uganda for a dollar. Saved my hips a few times, but not ideal by any means.



( ※後日上の写真をExpedに送ったところ、5年間は無料保証が効くということで、新品の同じマットレスを2つ送ってくれました。)

Different type of Thermarest mattress



Another cyclist we met had this Thermarest mattress without any foam (Therm-a-Rest NeoAir Venture WV), I liked the idea as it was lighter and hopefully we wouldn’t run into the same problems. I got it sent to Turkey so once again I could sleep in comfort. Its super thick but isn’t as warm as the exped (the R value is lower) but until we are out in arctic conditions I’m not really fussed about this.

Mayu’s mattress ended up going same route as mine, but lucky for her we were back in camping shop land and bought a mattress in decathlon. But time will tell how these 2 new mattresses will do over time.


その後、Expedの代用としてエリオットが購入したのは、Therm-a-RestNeoAir Venture WV Regular (写真右から2番目)。さらにそのあと私が購入したのは、DecathlonForclaz air (写真右から3番目)。




















Our sleeping bag in from mont bell, is down filled and from the size and weight (600g) its really warm. I think the coldest we had is maybe -5 degree C and felt comfortable with some leggings and jumper on. Unfortunately its not a common brand outside of Japan but you can get it in the united states and Switzerland.

Again we have had these sleeping bags for well over 3 years and they are going strong. We’ve kept them in a waterproof stuff sack and not washed them many times (yeah I know pretty smelly). But we hang them out in the sun as often as we can to sterilise them haha. And now that we are home we don’t store them rolled up, to keep the airy and fluffy. Oh and we washed them too!

I think with both of these things, look after them well and they will look after you :-)



これも3年前に購入したmontbellダウンハガー650 (写真右から4番目)を使用。お値段2万5千円と、私たちにとってはかなりの大金だったため、購入時は随分ためらいましたが、今はあの時投資してよかったと実感しています。










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